N + K + extraits d'algues marines + acides humiques + acides fulviques + acides aminés + EDTA Fer + EDTA Zinc + EDTA Manganèse.
FERTALGA est un biostimulant organique liquide à base d'extrait d'algues, d'acides humiques et fulviques et de micronutriments (fer, zinc et manganèse) complètement chélaté par l'EDTA. Cette combinaison particulière favorise le développement de toutes les cultures agricoles. L'azote organique, riche en acides aminés d'origine végétale, exerce une action nutritive sur les cultures traitées et agit également sur les processus physiologiques de la plante en améliorant leurs performances biochimiques.
La mer brune (Ascophyllum Nodosum), riche en bétaïne, vitamines, promoteurs naturels, polysaccharides, associée à des acides humiques et fulviques et aux micro-éléments EDTA confère à la plante une plus grande résistance aux stress atmosphériques (tels que les variations de température) et / ou physiologiques. stress (chute de fruits, carences en micronutriments).
Aspect:Liquide brun foncé
Application:Foliaire et Fertirrigation
emballage:1L - 5L - 20L - 1000L
Glucosnova is used diluted in water both by foliar application and by irrigation.
Glucosnova can be used in any crop, especially horticultural crops.
Mace powder HT is a high-temperature treated spice with a warm, nutmeg-like flavor, offering a slightly more delicate and aromatic profile. This spice is perfect for enhancing baked goods, sauces, and spice blends, adding a unique depth and fragrance to a variety of dishes.
Liquorice root is a sweet, dried root indigenous to the Middle East and Central Asia. It is harvested, cleaned, and dried to be used in a variety of culinary applications. Liquorice adds a sweet flavor to cakes, baked goods, and desserts like ice creams and panna cotta. It is also used as a natural sweetener in coffee blends and to enhance the sweetness of gamy meats. To maintain its flavor, liquorice root should be stored in airtight containers, away from light and moisture.
Kaliumsorbat ist ein hochwirksames, sicheres und ungiftiges Lebensmittelkonservierungsmittel. Obwohl Kaliumsorbat eines von vielen Konservierungsmitteln auf dem Markt ist, ist es eines der besten, da es harmlos und vielseitig ist. Kaliumsorbat wird größtenteils synthetisch hergestellt.
Es ist ein geschmacks- und geruchloses Pulver. Laut der FDA gilt es als sicher in der Anwendung, da es im Körper zu Wasser und Kohlendioxid zerfällt. Es steht auf der Liste der Konservierungsstoffe, die in kosmetischen Mitteln mit Einschränkungen verwendet werden dürfen. Seine maximal zulässige Konzentration im Endprodukt beträgt 0,6 %, berechnet als Sorbinsäure. Es funktioniert am besten in einer sauren Umgebung, ansonsten sind seine Eigenschaften viel schwächer.
High quality walnut partitions and/or leaves for wholesale.
Both leaves and partitions are widely used in medicine.Particions contains the most iodine. It causes a pleasant dark brown color and a bitter taste. It is because of the high content of iodine that this product is valued. It also contains trace elements such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc. The vitamin composition of the partitions is rich: they contain carotene, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, B vitamins and vitamin PP. There are a lot of amino acids, tannins and essential oils in the partitions, which determine their benefits for the human body.
We provide drying of our products meeting all requirements to keep max of useful substances.
Country of origin - Ukraine
Part of plant:Partitions, leaves
Quantity:up to 3 tons per year
Package :As required
The DNA of the Swiss hemp is at the very heart of responsible production. Offering you ORGANIC products with a unique taste and smell is the reason why our brand was born. Developing new flavors and meeting your consumer experience needs is key to our success.
Holenderskie nasiona marihuany to gwarancja najlepszych genów. Nasiona pochodzące z Holandii od najlepszych producentów typu RQS, Female Seeds, Barneys Seeds itp.
Coffee of full-bodied density, with sweet, fruity and buiscuit taste.
The separated roasting enhances the fruity notes and the acidity, making it sweet and dense.
A wreath of stalks and branches of dill in the Roman Empire awarded distinguished gladiators. Use for the preparation of salads, appetizers, soups, second lunch dishes.
Use for
Warm and cold sauces, soups, meat dishes, poultry dishes, fish dishes, egg dishes, as well as for pickling.
Bitter grass
Nutrition value on 100 gr.
Proteins (g / 100g)… 16
Fats (g / 100g)… 15
Carbohydrates (g / 100g)… 12
Energy value (kcal / 100g)… 250
Les fleurs Pop Corn CBD sont ainsi appelées en raison de leur petite taille. La Pop Corn CBD désigne tous les restes tombés pendant la manucure des fleurs. Elle est composée de mélange de feuilles et de petites fleurs de plusieurs variétés.
Taux de THC:0,10
Taux de CBD:2,30
Benefici: la paprika affumicata a caldo aggiunge un
gusto profondo e ricco a tutti i piatti. Può essere usato al
posto della paprika rossa dolce quando vuoi aggiungere
una nota piccante al tuo piatto o al posto dei fiocchi di
pepe di Cayenna o del peperoncino. La paprika
affumicata a caldo è prodotta come altre polveri di
paprika da peperoni che vengono affumicati, essiccati e
macinati in polvere. Questo processo conferisce il colore
e il sapore. Il colore può essere diverso da un leggero
rosso-arancio a un rosso scuro e anche il gusto può
essere qualsiasi cosa, dall'amaro caldo al dolce caldo.Usi: la paprika affumicata calda è comunemente usata
in piatti come il gulasch, uno stufato di carne rossa a
cottura lenta con verdure, cipolle, patate e panna acida
sulla parte superiore del piatto come elemento finale. È
una buona idea scaldare la spezia con un filo d'olio
d'oliva per meno di un minuto a fuoco basso per
sprigionare il suo sapore naturale.
Confezione:125g, 250g e sfuso
O Pólen resulta de uma mistura de diferentes pólenes recolhidos pelas nossas abelhas, e é um dos alimentos mais ricos e completos da natureza. Para além de varias vitaminas, o Pólen contem uma elevada proporção de proteínas com todos aminoácidos conhecidos, aumenta o rendimento fisico e intelectual, e regula o sistema imunitário.
Complemento alimenticio a base de cúrcuma
La cúrcuma tiene propiedades antioxidantes.
Ayuda a mantener la salud hepática, la salud pulmonar, el sistema inmunitario y la función normal del sistema nervioso.
También apoya la función cardiaca y la circulación sanguínea.
INGREDIENTES:Cúrcuma liposomada (Curcuma Longa) estandarizada >95%, liposoma
MODO DE EMPLEO:tomar 1 o 2 cápsulas al día con un gran vaso de agua.
CONDICIONES DE CONSERVACION:consérvese en un lugar fresco y seco.